Camp Chestnut Ridge
Camp Photos 2024

Camp Chestnut Ridge
Week 5 July 7-11, 2025
Directions for
Registration Below
5Available for children who have finished Kindergarten through rising 12th grade. There is a PreK half-day option.
1. Go to website
2. Click on the “REGISTER” button on the right.
· If you have not used the online registration before you will need to Create an Account
3. Log in using your account information.
4. Click on Reservations and then New Reservations. You can either make a reservation for an existing camper or “Add a person to my account”
5. After you verify the camper’s age you will be prompted to Select a Session. The church’s week is TBD. Once you select this week, it will show the available “majors” and the price for each. You will need to know the major before you complete registration.
6. Please note the following:
· You will receive a $50 discount when you use the code “saxapahaw2025”
· The church will pay $240 toward whichever major you select. For example, if “Best of Camp” is $465, then after the $50 discount and $250 church campership, your balance will be $165.
7. After selecting a session you will go to the bottom of the page and click on the Register button.
8. You will then select the “major” and go to the bottom of the page and hit “next”
9. There will be several additional screens where you can order a camp t-shirt and complete contact information, health information, etc. Once you complete all of that you can “Proceed to Checkout”.
10. Enter the Discount Code “saxapahaw2025” and then Click “Proceed to Payment”
11. This is important. You must pay the difference between the balance due and $250. In other words, everything over $250 (after application of the discount code) is your responsibility. The church will pay the balance the week before camp. Your portion must be paid by June 23rd. There are a variety of ways for you to pay your portion of the balance.
· Select “Pay Minimum Amount Due” and pay the $100 deposit using credit card or select “check or money order” which allows you to send your payment to the camp at a later date.
· You may pay additional amounts at the time of registration or later by selecting “Other payment options”.
· You may pay the entire balance. If you elect to do this, the church will reimburse you $250 as the church’s contribution.
Again, please remember that between now and June 23, 2025 you must pay all amounts due in excess of $250.
**If you have friends or family that wish to attend the church’s week, they are welcome to use the church Discount Code, but if so, they must let Hannah Christy ( or Laurie Newlin ( know so we can communicate regarding ridesharing and other matters.