Ways to give:

Thank you for supporting our mission and ministry by giving to Tithes & Offerings. Tithes & Offerings enable us to do all of the work God has called us to do, from passionate worship and intentional faith formation to compassionate outreach and community connections.

In addition to Tithes & Offerings, you may choose to support the following outreach ministries:

  • SAFE Food Ministry
  • Pastor’s Discretionary Fund
  • BEJ Snack Pack Ministry

In Person-during the service or mail to the church PO Box 268 Saxapahaw, NC 27340

Online– We use Vanco for online giving


Support the Micro Loan Program & Pastor's Discretionary Fund

Saxapahaw United Methodist Church established the Micro Loan program in 2019 with the mission of empowering individuals and families to make a change in their lives by connecting them to relational and financial resources. These micro loans are zero interest loans given to community members who are seeking assistance in the midst of a life transition. The expectation is that the individuals or families will be able to pay back these loans within one to two years.

At this time, the Micro Loan account has $9,800. We believe that, with the financial support of the community, we can easily double, and hopefully triple, this amount and be able to offer loans between $250 and $2,500 to as many community members as possible. In addition it is our hope that, through your generosity,we will be able to forgive all or part of the loan. If, when all is said and done, we still have $9,800 in the account, we will be satisfied.

You can support those in the community who are in need two different ways:

  1. Write a check and mail it to Saxapahaw UMC, PO Box 268, Saxapahaw, NC 27340 and write “Micro Loan”  or “Pastor’s Discretionary Fund” on the memo line.
  2. Fill out the form above, and it will take you to a secure site where you can make a donation. Please select the “Micro Loan Fund” or “Pastor’s Discretionary Fund“. NOTE: If you give using a credit or debit card the church is charged a 3% fee. If you are able to give directly from a checking or saving account there is no fee.

All donations are tax deductible.

Thank you for your generosity in supporting your community!